You can find out by visiting this page.
The charging times depend mainly on two factors: charging station power output (kW) and maximum charging power allowed by the electric vehicle;
if they are different, the lowest is set.
Directly from the APP, in the Find station section, just tap on a station icon to access all the details.
The recharge price is also present there.
Of course, our product designed specifically for home purpose is the WallBox.
Go on technical details.
No, the standard power of the domestic house (3 kW) is enough to have a fully charged battery every morning.
Our charging stations support the connector type 2 Mennekes.
In addition, the FAST supports also CCS COMBO2 and CHAdeMO connectors.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB.
In general, all our stations can be used simply after downloading the MobyNET APP and registering (public access).
In some cases, however, the station owner may decide to grant the charging service only upon his approval. In practice, the user must contact the owner of the station and the latter reserves the right to grant the service or not. This can be offered in 3 ways:
For a limited time (charging service valid up to an agreed expiration date)
For a certain economic value (charging service valid until the agreed credit is used up)
For a certain economic value to be used in a limited time (i.e. the combination of the previous 2)
(private access / fidelity)
If you have chosen the QUICK or FAST charging station you can check in real time the following information: power output, kWh delivered and the charging session cost.
These data can be consulted via App.
You can contact us through the contact form at this link or through the contacts at the bottom of the site.